Grammar Point:
The word “each” can be translated to Chinese as 各 gè. In Chinese, this character is commonly used to indicate “each” or “every” when referring to individual items or elements within a group. It is often used to express the idea that something applies to each or every item in a set or collection.
各 gè + Measure Word
Note that not every measure word can be used with 各 gè; the most commonly used ones are 位 wèi and 種种 zhǒng.
Every country has its own culture.
Good evening, (Each) ladies and gentlemen!
In this society, there are all sorts of strange people; your boss isn’t too unusual.
Please make sure to complete all the preparatory work on time.
This restaurant offers a variety of flavors in its dishes.
各 gè + Special Noun
There’s a significant temperature difference in various parts of Taiwan over the weekend.
Protests are happening one after another in various regions of China.
Everyone has their own sensitivities; you shouldn’t step on them.
“A landmine” can be used to describe sensitive and avoided topics, such as salaries, age, religion, and politics. It can also refer to unacceptable behaviors, like arriving extremely late, talking loudly with food in one’s mouth, or continuously asking questions during a movie.
In China, there are many sensitive topics that you should steer clear of. Avoid discussing subjects like Xi Jinping, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, and Xinjiang. Even the unemployment rate has become a sensitive topic in recent times. If you’re unsure about which topics to avoid, you can search on Baidu. If you can’t find information about a particular topic, it’s likely one you should avoid discussing.
We each have different dreams.
The market offers a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.
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✔️ Each student has their own book.
✔️ This website provides various different Chinese resources.
✔️ All the friends and family members were invited to the wedding.