Grammar Point:
The Chinese word 曾經曾经 céngjīng means “once” or “ever” and is used to describe something that happened or a condition that existed in the past. It conveys the idea of a past experience or a previous state.
S + céngjīng + 是 or 在 or 有
He was once a famous doctor.
This place used to be a hospital, so no one wants to live in this building.
I once had a child.
The teacher used to teach in Canada, so his English is good.
I once had a very good job.
S + céngjīng + V + (guò)
It often pairs with 過过 guò to indicate that something has been experienced or happened at least once in the past.
I used to be very afraid of the dark, but now I have overcome it.
Have you ever been to Sichuan?
I used to live there for a while.
Teacher Li has published a book before.
My younger brother was once taken to the temple to receive blessings.
收驚惊 shōujīng in Taiwan originates from Taoist rituals. In Taoist belief, humans have what’s called “三魂七魄 sānhún qīpò (three souls and seven spirits.)” The soul deals with ethical and moral aspects, while the spirits govern desires. Each soul can oversee two spirits, and as long as the three souls and seven spirits are intact in a person, they remain in good health. If, however, one soul is frightened away for some reason, causing the spirits to leave, it can lead to illness, fever, or unusual behavior. And in recent times, some individuals have come to regard 收驚惊 shōujīng as a part of psychological therapy and have categorized it within the realm of traditional healing practices.
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✔️ I used to think that princes and princesses would live happily ever after.
✔️ He used to have great dreams, but now he has given up.
✔️ Did you ever love me?
- Once 2 一旦 yídàn (HSK 5)