Grammar Point:
The Chinese word 反正 fǎnzhèng is an adverb that is commonly used in spoken language and informal writing. It is similar to the English word “anyway,” but not exactly the same.
反正 + Reason
The difference between English and Chinese is that 反正 fǎnzhèng always needs a reason with it, unlike English where you can simply use ‘anyway’ alone.
Anyway, he will definitely be more than an hour late. Let’s eat first!
It’s okay if you don’t go today; we still have time anyway.
Anyway, I can’t do it. If you can, then you do it.
It’s fine if there’s no food; I need to diet anyway.
Don’t buy mooncakes; you’ll definitely receive a bunch during the Mid-Autumn Festival anyway.
It’s okay if we can’t finish it; we can always take these dishes home anyway.
In Taiwan, most restaurants are cool with packing up your leftovers. It doesn’t matter if you’re munching on hotpot, chowing down on breakfast, sipping coffee, or digging into a juicy steak – they’ve got your back. The deal is, Taiwan wants to cut down on food waste. So, whether you’ve got half a cup of coffee left or just one last bite of that steak, just ask, and they’ll hook you up with a to-go container. And some hotpot joints even toss in a few extra goodies when they’re packing it up for you. 😅
No matter + 反正 + opinion
In this function, 反正 fǎnzhèng is often combine with phrases like “no matter”, such as 不管 bùguǎn, 無論无论 wúlùn, or 不論论 búlùn, to convey a sense of ‘regardless’ or ‘no matter what,’ which is a distinction from how ‘anyway’ is used in English.
No matter what you do, I won’t agree anyway.
Regardless of what others say, I only believe what you say.
Whether he likes it or not, anyway, I’ve already decided to be myself .
Whether you eventually come or not, anyway, I’ve saved a seat for you.
It’s fine, anyway, everywhere is pretty much the same.
It’s your choice, but I don’t approve anyway.
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✔️ Anyway, my thoughts don’t matter to you, no need to ask me.
✔️ You guys decide, I don’t have anything I won’t eat anyway.
✔️ Whether you agree or not, I definitely have to go to China on a business trip anyway.