Grammar Point:
The word 重新 chóngxīn in Chinese can be translated to “again,” “anew,” or “re-” in English. It is often used to indicate the repetition or renewal of an action or state.
S + 重新 chóngxīn + V
- It is typically used to indicate the action of starting over or doing something again.
- It implies a complete renewal or a fresh start.
- Often used with verbs to show the repetition of an action.
- 新 xīn can be dropped when the following verb is a one syllable word.
Please restart the computer.
Can we start over and forget the past?
We need to reconsider this issue.
Have you tried rebooting?
Log out first and then log back into your account.
Are there any bugs in the food? I’m sorry, I will make a new one for you right away.
In China, whether a restaurant will replace a meal with a small bug in it depends on various factors, including the type of restaurant, the specific situation, and the customer’s reaction. High-end restaurants are more likely to replace a meal if there’s a problem like a bug. They prioritize customer satisfaction and maintaining a good reputation. In contrast, lower-end or street-side eateries might be less accommodating. If you encounter such a situation and are uncomfortable with it, it’s best to communicate your concerns politely with the restaurant staff and see how they respond. In many cases, they will do their best to address the issue and ensure your satisfaction.
I hope you can reconsider.
TouchHover over the space to see the answers.
I plan to review HSK2 again.
So, I bought a new exercise book again.
I’m going to learn again following this website.