Grammar Point:
The word 当 dāng can function as a preposition and is often translated as “when” in English. It is a more formal way to express the phrase 的时候 de shíhou.
當/当 + Phrase
The phrase 的时候 de shíhou or 时 shí are often used with 当 dāng structure.
When my dog sees me, he wags his tail continuously.
When he is hungry, he likes to eat chocolate.
When I eat, I like to watch TV.
When he is happy, I also feel happy.
When you called me yesterday afternoon, I was sleeping.
What do you do when you are angry?
During the summer season, there will be many “xiaoheiwen.”
小黑蚊 xiǎohēiwén (little black mosquito) is actually not a mosquito but a species called Forcipomyia taiwana. They are about 1-1.4 mm in length and are known for their ability to bite humans and cause intense itching. Although current research indicates that 小黑蚊 xiǎohēiwén does not transmit diseases, their bites can be extremely itchy and may lead to allergic reactions. Their bites can be disruptive, making it difficult to sleep or focus on work. It typically takes 7-10 days for the itching to subside, and scratching may even result in scars that can last for several months. Therefore, 小黑蚊 xiǎohēiwén can be considered a significant nuisance during the summer season in Taiwan.
TouchHover over the space to see the answers.
✔️ When we first met, I found you very humorous.
✔️ When we started dating, I realized you are a kidder.
✔️ After we got married, I confirmed that you are simply an idiot.