Grammar Point:
One way to express ‘had better’ in Chinese is 最好 zuìhǎo. While 最好 zuìhǎo can function as an adjective meaning ‘best’, it can also be used as an adverb to express ‘had better’ or ‘it would be best’. It’s often utilized when giving advice to someone or politely making demands.
S + 最好 + Suggestion
It’s getting cold. You’d better wear more.
It’s raining. We’d better do indoor activities.
You better start preparing for HSK3.0 now!
You’d better listen to me and give me all your money.
You’d better bring more money. That restaurant is super expensive!
He’d better come and apologize to me right away.
S + 最好 + 別/不要 + Suggestion
You’d better not have such a terrible idea.
Better not drink too much red wine at tomorrow’s party.
ou’d better not let my words go in one ear and out the other.
耳边风 ěrbiān fēng is a Chinese slang that literally means “wind blowing by the ear”. It’s used to describe a situation where someone hears what you say but doesn’t really listen or take it seriously. It’s like the words you said just passed by their ears like a breeze, and didn’t really make an impact.
You’d better not eat too spicy, or you’ll have to hug the toilet again at night.
You had better not go to that store to buy anything, they treat their customers as cash cows.
In Chinese, 肥羊 féiyáng is often used to refer to someone who is naive, easily taken advantage of, and has a lot of money or resources. The literal translation of the term is “fat sheep,” which can be a bit harsh. However, in the context of the slang, it is more of a playful or joking term used among friends.