Grammar Point:
In Chinese grammar, there are several words and phrases that can be used to express a sense of urgency or the need to do something quickly. Here are some commonly used expressions: 趕緊赶紧 gǎnjǐn, 趕赶快 gǎnkuài, 連连忙 liánmáng, and 立刻 lìkè.
趕緊/赶紧 gǎnjǐn
It is often used in imperative sentences or statements to urge someone to take immediate action. It’s often used in a more casual or informal context in northern China.
You should hurry up and leave, or you will miss the interview.
Speak up! What have you guys done?
If you’re not feeling well, you should go home and rest right away.
The boss wants him to apologize to the customer promptly.
Note that it is very common to drop the subject ‘you’ in imperative sentences in Chinese.
趕快/赶快 gǎnkuài
It’s also commonly used in imperative sentences or statements in informal speech, especially in southern China and Taiwan.
Tell me quickly, what did she say to you?
Hurry up and come with me; this place isn’t safe.
It’s already very late, you should go to sleep quickly.
Quickly hand over the money, or I’ll shoot.
連忙/连忙 liánmáng
It is often used to describe actions in the past that were carried out promptly, , and it can be a bit more formal or literary in tone compared to 趕緊赶紧 gǎnjǐn and 趕赶快 gǎnkuài.
Yesterday, I noticed there was a funeral happening near my house, so when I passed by, I quickly turned my head away.
In Taiwan, there is a superstition that many elders remind their younger generations not to look inside when passing by a funeral procession or to avoid staring at the deceased in photographs. Some parents even instruct their children to close their eyes when passing by a house where a funeral is taking place. This is done out of fear of offending the deceased. Traditional superstitions suggest that looking directly at the deceased, especially in photographs, may bring bad luck and negatively affect one’s fortune and health.
It suddenly started pouring rain, but nobody had umbrellas, so we had to hastily find shelter.
The Chinese government has announced a ban on celebrities using English names, leading many people to quickly change their names.
When he was brought to the hospital, he had already stopped breathing. Despite the doctors’ immediate efforts to resuscitate him, they were unable to save him.
立刻 lìkè
It is suitable for more serious or urgent situations and can be used in both formal and informal contexts when a high level of urgency is required.
Once you arrive at the office, come to my office and report immediately.
Because he was caught using marijuana in Taiwan, he was immediately deported back to his home country.
Shut your mouth immediately!
In case of a fire, report it immediately.