Grammar Point:
終於终于 zhōngyú is a commonly used Chinese adverb that expresses the meaning of “finally” or “at last.” It is used to indicate that something anticipated or expected has happened after a long wait, effort, or delay.
S + 終於于 + Verb or Verb Phrase + 了
It is often used with past tense verbs to describe something that happened after a period of time or difficulty. We use it to express relief or strong anticipation.
It hasn’t rained for 3 months, and it finally rained today. (relief)
I finally don’t have to prepare for the HSK exam anymore. (definitely relief😂)
After 6 months, I finally succeeded in losing weight. (anticipation)
You finally arrived; I thought we would miss the flight. (relief)
Are you guys finally going to register for marriage? (anticipation)
I searched for a long time and finally found the sofa I’m satisfied with. (relief + anticipation?? lol)
We’ve been in an online relationship for 2 years, and today we can finally meet each other. (anticipation)
My new clothes that I bought online finally arrived; I can’t wait to get home and unbox them. (anticipation)
Ever heard of “開开箱文 kāixiāng wén” in Youtube videos? If you love internet shopping, this is a word you really need to know. 開开箱文 kāixiāng wén is a term in Chinese that translates to “unboxing review” or “unboxing article” in English. It refers to a type of content typically found on social media platforms, blogs, or online forums, where individuals share their experiences and impressions of unboxing a newly purchased product. 🎉📦
Another word that you should know is 業业配文 yèpèi wén. It is another interesting term in the world of content creation! In English, it’s often referred to as “sponsored content” or “brand collaboration.”
I often wonder how much money I can earn from sponsored content, but no one seems to ask me to write sponsored content… Well, maybe Chinese grammar websites don’t have opportunities for sponsored content either.😅
Common Mistakes
Using it as “the last step”
你回家先把牛奶放冰箱,然後燒水,終於再去切水果你回家先把牛奶放冰箱,然后烧水,终于再去切水果 ❌
First, put the milk in the fridge when you get home, then boil some water, and the last, cut the fruits.
The word 終於终于 zhōngyú implies that an action is happening after a long period of time or difficulty. If you want to express the last step, you can use 最後最后 zuìhòu
Using it alone
Husband: I’ve washed the dishes.
Wife: Finally!
Unlike the English word “finally,” 終於终于 zhōngyú can never be used alone. If you really want to express finally in this situation, you need to say 你終於终于洗了啊 nǐ zhōngyú xǐ le a.
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✔️ I finally finished writing my graduation thesis.
✔️ I finally passed HSK3.
✔️ I finally have time to travel to China.
- Express “Finally” with 到底 dàodǐ (HSK 3)