There are 4 different words that can be translated into “finally” in Mandarin Chinese: 到底 dàodǐ, 最後最后 zuìhòu, 總总算 zǒngsuàn and 終於终于 zhōngyú.
到底 dàodǐ
到底 dàodǐ is an adverb in Chinese that is used to emphasize a question. It indicate that the speaker is a little impatient or annoyed.
What on earth are you doing?
Are you going or not!?
最後/最后 zuìhòu
最後最后 zuìhòu is generally considered an adverb or an adjective in Chinese, not a noun. It can be used as an attributive to modify another noun, which is similar to the usage of “the last” in English.
The last time
The last day
最後最后 zuìhòu is also considered the most neutral word among these four words. It can simply indicates that something happened last or in the end, without any connotation of whether it is positive or negative.
You should add honey first, and then add some water, and mix it up. Last, you put a lemon slice. That’s it.
The last person has arrived.
總算/总算 zǒngsuàn
總总算 zǒngsuàn is an adverb in Chinese that implies that after consistent efforts, certain wishes have finally come true. It can be translated as “finally” or “at long last” in English. 總总算 zǒngsuàn and 終於终于 zhōngyú are often interchangeable in usage, but 總总算 zǒngsuàn usually emphasizes the long duration of time involved in expecting something to happen.
I have worked for 20 years, and finally, I can afford to buy a house!
Use 終於终于 zhōngyú is also OK!)
I finally realized my dream of becoming a Mandarin teacher.
(Use 終於终于 zhōngyú is also OK!)
終於/终于 zhōngyú
終於终于 zhōngyú is also an adverb in Chinese, which implies that after many changes or amidst some eager waiting, something has finally happened. It usually implies the difficulties or ups and downs of the process. Unlike 總总算 zǒngsuàn, 終於终于 zhōngyú can be used to describe either desirable or undesirable outcomes.
40 years of marriage. In the end, we still got divorced.
(You cannot use 總总算 zǒngsuàn here.)
He’s finally here!
(Use 總总算 zǒngsuàn is also OK!)