Grammar Point:
The result complement is called 结果补语 jiéguǒ bǔyǔ in Chinese. It is just like its name, used to describe the result of a verb.
What is the result complement?
In Chinese grammar, a result complement 结果补语 jiéguǒ bǔyǔ is a grammatical structure that expresses the result or outcome of an action or event. It is typically used to modify a verb or an adjective and follows the verb or adjective it modifies.
For instance, in the sentence “他喝完水 tā hē wán shuǐ,” which means “He has finished drinking the water,” the result complement “完 wán,” meaning “finish,” conveys the outcome of the action of drinking.
In English, different words are used to differentiate between the action and result when discussing outcomes. For example, “to look” and “to see,” or “to listen” and “to hear.” In Chinese, result complements are appended to the action verb to indicate whether the action was completed, successful or unsuccessful, done, received and so on.

看 kàn: Describing the action of setting your eyes on something.

看见 kànjiàn: By adding result complement 见 jiàn implies that after setting your eyes on something, you register or receive the information that enters your vision.
RC in this article we are going to learn:
Verb (action) | + | Result complement | = | Explanation |
听 tīng (listen) | + | 清楚 qīngchǔ (clear) | = | 听清楚 tīngqīngchu (to listen clearly) |
写 xiě (write) | + | 错 cuò (wrong, mistake, error) | = | 写错 xiěcuò (to write something wrong) |
洗 xǐ (wash) | + | 干净 gānjìng (clean) | = | 洗干净 xǐgānjìng (to wash something cleaning) |
吃 chī (eat) | + | 完 wán (finish) | = | 吃完 chīwán (to finish eating) |
看 kàn (look, watch, read) | + | 懂 dǒng (understand) | = | 看懂 kàndǒng (to read and understand it) |
做 zuò (do, make) | + | 好 hǎo (finish, done, ready) | = | 做好 zuòhǎo (to finish something, make something done) |
学 xué (learn) | + | 会 huì (learn and get it) | = | 学会 xuéhuì (to master) |
S + V + RC + O
You wrote two Chinese characters incorrectly.
I want an iced latte with oat milk instead of regular milk. Please don’t get it wrong.
If you understand this sentence, please answer my question.
Please wash (clean) your clothes before you wear them.
Did you hear the teacher’s words clearly?
After ten years of marriage, I have learned to compromise.
S + 沒/不 + V + RC + O
Both 不 bù and 沒 méi are possible negation particles in this structure. However, it is important to remember that 不 bù negates verbs usually about the present or future, whereas 沒 méi is usually used for things in the past. As a result, 没 méi is heard more often than 不 bù in this structure.
I did not master (understand) this question.
I haven’t finished my meal yet.
If he doesn’t work well, don’t hire him.
You don’t understand what I’m saying, do you?
Aspect Particles and 把
- Don’t use result complement with 着 zhe
The particle 着 zhe is used to indicate that an action is ongoing or in progress, and therefore cannot be used with result complements. Result complements indicate the outcome or completion of an action, which is incompatible with the idea of an ongoing or in-progress action.
我吃著完了飯我吃着完了饭 ❌
- 了1 and 了2 le are the most common particles to use with RC.
I am ready.
Do you think you understand it?
The child finished his homework.
But, if the character 了1 le means an action is completed, then why do we need the complement 完 wán (finish)?
I wrote homework.
(What I did was write, but it’s unclear if I completed the entire homework. It’s possible that I stopped halfway and did something else.)
I finished writing my homework.
(It clarifies that I have completely finished my entire homework.)
- It is also possible to use 过 guò with it, but in 95% of situations, we prefer to just drop the RC.
Have you seen Xi Jinping?
I have heard the Chinese national song.
- The 把 bǎ structure is another common structure used with direction complements. This is because both of them deal with the result of an action or the disposal of an object.
I didn’t wash the clothes clean.
He wrote my name wrong.
Oops! I spent all your money!
- Result Complement 2 (HSK 3)