Grammar Point:“In order to” translates into Chinese as 為为了 wèile. It is a preposition used to indicate the purpose of an action or the intention or goal behind an action. Structure 為为了 + aim/goal, do sth. 為了wèile學xué中文zhōngwén, 我wǒ決定juédìng去qù台灣Táiwān为了wèile学xué中文zhōngwén, 我wǒ决定juédìng去qù台湾TáiwānIn order to learn Chinese, I decided to go to Taiwan. 我wǒ為了wèile減肥jiǎnféi, 開始kāishǐ運動yùndòng我wǒ为了wèile减肥jiǎnféi, 开始kāishǐ运动yùndòngI started to exercise…