Time Words 📗 Time Expression – Dates📗 Time Expression – Week of Days📗 Time Expression – Time Time Words + Verb Time words are usually placed before the verb in a sentence. 禮拜六lǐbàiliù你nǐ做zuò什麼shénme? 礼拜六lǐbàiliù你nǐ做zuò什么shénme? What are you doing on Saturday? 我wǒ上shàng星期一xīngqíyī沒méi上shàng中文zhōngwén課kè我wǒ上shàng星期一xīngqīyī没méi上shàng中文zhōngwén课kèI didn’t attend Chinese class last Monday. 每měi週三zhōusān咖啡kāfēi買mǎi一yī送sòng一yī每měi周三zhōusān咖啡kāfēi买mǎi一yī送sòng一yīBuy one coffee, get one free every Wednesday….