Grammar Point:In Chinese, the words “some,” “some of,” and “others” can be translated as follows: Structure 一些 yìxiē + N One thing you need to know is that there is no negation form for this structure. Also, in spoken Chinese, it is possible to drop the word 一 yī. 我wǒ有yǒu一些yìxiē中國Zhōngguó朋友péngyǒu我wǒ有yǒu一些yìxiē中国Zhōngguó朋友péngyouI have some Chinese friends. 我wǒ想xiǎng買mǎi一些yìxiē水果shuǐguǒ我wǒ想xiǎng买mǎi一些yìxiē水果shuǐguǒI…