Grammar Point:In the context of subjective evaluation, Verb + 起來 qǐlái is used to express how something feels, looks, tastes, or seems based on the speaker’s perception. This structure helps describe an impression or an initial judgment about something. Structure S + V 起來 + adj or descriptive phrase 這zhè蛋糕dàngāo看kàn起來qǐlái很hěn甜tián这zhè蛋糕dàngāo看kàn起来qǐlái很hěn甜tiánThis cake looks very sweet. 他tā聽tīng起來qǐlái很hěn聰明cōngmíng他tā听tīng起来qǐlái很hěn聪明cōngmingHe sounds very smart. 這zhè首shǒu歌gē聽tīng起來qǐlái很hěn輕快qīngkuài这zhè首shǒu歌gē听tīng起来qǐlái很hěn轻快qīngkuàiThis song sounds very relaxed. 這zhè衣服yìfú穿chuān起來qǐlái不bú太tài舒服shūfú这zhè衣服yìfú穿chuān起来qǐlái不bú太tài舒服shūfuThis…